Dudley Lithium Project, Kangaroo Island
Dudley Lithium Project, Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Trinex earning up to a 90% interest in the Dudley Lithium Project in South Australia (Dudley Project) by way of a two-stage farm-in.

The Dudley Lithium Project is located on Kangaroo Island in South Australia within exploration licence EL6892. The project contains multiple large pegmatite systems that are apparent at surface for over 6 kilometres in strike extent and up to 80 metres thick at surface.
The project area has a long history of historical mining for lithium tourmalines and kaolin primarily from strongly weathered surface exposures of the Dudley pegmatite, but also from other pegmatites across the project. Trenching of the Dudley pegmatite revealed widths of up to 80m. Lithium tourmalines indicate the pegmatites are highly fractionated and they are commonly associated with spodumene mineralised pegmatites.